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[ about company ]

We are the story makers

DOMINUS is a architectural + design studio and has been operating more than 20 years. The company activities include design (all the necessary technical documentation for the Ministery of Transport and Communications) including the interior design with all necessary phases in construction, electrical installation, mechanical installations, water system sewage, safety and health considerations, also financial specification analysis, written report for the bill of quantities and supervising of the works.



We make your dreams a reality

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years of experience
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Еnergy efficiency

We offer Еnergy controls, certificates, and elaborates that are prepared for the energy required to cover heat losses and determination of energy class of a building with construction physics of the provided materials.

Individual Project

Experience with client requirements, project program, development, planning and management


What Can We Offer

Нашите активности вклучуваат архитектонскo проектирање, вклучувајки и проектирање на ентериер-внатрешно уредување, заедно со сите потребни фази за основен проект – конструкција, електроинсталации, инсталација за вода и канализација, машински инсталации, ППЗ заштита, енергетска ефикасност, вклучувајки предмер на количини и пресметка- финансиска анализа на работите, Подготовка на целосна документација за аплицирање до надлежните институции се до добивањена дозвола за градба.

All in one services

The basic philosophy of studio is to create individual design.

2D-3D Visualization

3D sketch of each detail of your future interior.

[ how it works ]

Every project tells its own story

Dominus turn your vision into reality

Creating a brand is like creating a modern love story, interlaced with different feelings, creative inspirations, ready for ups and downs, comedy and drama, logical decisions, and fear of risk. Sometimes spectacular, sometimes mystical. When the story is realistic enough, her final version opens to the world. Starting  to multiply by division.

Professional care, design and managеmenet

DOMINUS is a architectural + design studio and has been operating more than 20 years. Where today’s idea means tomorrow’s design